Limau’s mom gets sick and Limau tries to help her. While he accompanies her, Limau has an interesting story and information about saving energy for her mom. Starting from little things like turning off lamp, TV, or AC. Limau along with his mom learn about saving energy! This book is in Indonesian and English. Ibu Limau sakit dan Lim…
Gadis and her classmates will be going on a vacation to the beach. So exciting! While everyone is jumping in excitement, Gadis stays at her seat with a sad expression. Everyone is wondering why before they finally know that it’s because Gadis doesn’t have money. Their classmates then decide to help her by doing garage sales with their unused things. Will they succeed? This book is bilingual…
One day, when Kula plays at the park with his friends, he gets injured because he fell on a can. It makes him kind of afraid to play there again. But he and his friends decide that they cannot just do nothing. Together, they clean the park! This book is bilingually inscribed in both Indonesian and English.
Next week, Tara and her class will go to recycle factory and they have to bring things to recycle. Tara tries to look for in her house’s bin for trash, but she doesn't know what things that can be recycled. Together with her classmates Tara learns about recycling in the factory! This book is bilingually inscribed in both Indonesian and English.
Setiap musim libur tiba, Upai akan pergi berkunjung ke rumah nenek di gunung. Pergi ke rumah nenek adalah hal yang paling membuatnya senang, karena di sana Upai dapat berkemah bersama dengan teman-teman, melakukan petualangan di hutan, mengarungi perahu di sungai, dan masih banyak lagi. Namun liburan kali ini terasa berbeda, karena hutan dan gunung sudah tidak ada. Upai sangat sedih mengetahui …