After thirty-five years as a book editor in New York, Ann Patty stopped working and moved to the country. Bored, she decided to challenge her word-loving brain through studying Latin at local colleges. Her study opened unexpected windows into her life, and along the way, she met an impassioned group of professors, students and classicists outside of academia who keep Latin very much alive. Wr…
Follows the author's quest to learn Italian over twenty-five years and her study of the ties between the language and Italy's culture, literature, history, and food.
They said Steve Biko was a man of violence; then why did he talk of peace? They said he wanted revolution; so why did he talk of friendship? They said he died of hunger; why was his body broken and bruised? This is the story of a man's fight with the government of South Africa. It is the story of all people who prefer truth to lies. It is the story of all people who cry 'Freedom', and who are n…
Hundreds of useful phrases at your fingertips Speak German
Sebagai pemakai bahasa Indonesia, kita wajib mematuhi aturan yang berlaku, terutama saat kita berada di forum resmi atau saat menyajikan tulisan ilmiah. Kenyataannya, tidak semua penutur bahasa Indonesia mampu berbahasa Indonesia sesuai dengan aturan yang telah ditetapkan (kodifikasi). Sering kali kita juga kebingungan apakah bahasa yang kita pakai termasuk bahasa yang baku atau tidak, atau…
Erlangga X-Press US/M SD/MI 2016 hadir untuk membekali siswa agar dapat meraih nilai UN yang terbaik. Buku ini membekali siswa dengan strategi KENALI, PAHAMI, dan COBA!rnrnKenali terlebih dahulu materi-materi yang biasa diujikan dalam US/M. Buku ini telah disusun sesuai dengan SKL terbaru sehingga siswa akan lebih mengenal materi-materi yang biasa diujikan.rnPahami secara mendalam materi yang a…