A Series of disasters in the Orient during the fourteenth century brought about the most devastating period of death and destruction in European history
Three decades of authoritarian rule in Indonesia came to a sudden and in 1998. This book asks how political reform cpuld proceed despite such unpromising circumstances
The Great Depression began in August of 1929, when the Unites States economy first went into an economic recession.
This rich collections of essays on the appropriation of indonesian national heroes and international feminist icon Kartini provides an incisive insight into the multiple ways of her briliant letters have been read, interpreted and used.
This wide-ranging work examines the conceptual transformation of Europe and Eurasia over the last two decades
10-year sojourn through the world's largest and least-known archipelago -the island of Indonesia
Breakout at Stalingrad is a stark and terrifying portrait of the horrors of war, and a profoundly humane depiction of comradeship in adversity
Buku Saku Tempo: Soedirman
Kisah Sutan Sjahrir adalah satu dari empat cerita tentang pendiri republik: Sukarno, Hatta, Tan Malaka dan Sutan Sjahrir. Diangkat dari edisi khusus Majalah Berita Mingguan Tempo sepanjang 2001-2009, serial buku ini mereportase ulang kehidupan keempatnya. Mulai dari pergolakan pemikiran, petualangan, ketakutan hingga kisah cinta dan cerita kamar tidur mereka.
Ia orang pertama yang menulis konsep Republik Indonesia. Muhammad Yamin menjulukinya "Bapak Republik Indonesia". Sukarno menyebutnya "seorang yang mahir dalam revolusi". Tapi hidupnya berakhir tragis di ujung senapan tentara republik yang didirikannya. Tan melukis revolusi Indonesia dengan bergelora. Sukarno pernah menulis testamen politik yang berisi wasiat penyerahan kekuasaan kepada…
Provides an overview of the inventions, patents and technological advances pioneered by the "Wizard of Menlo Park" as well as his concentration on industrial research and his flair for marketing and promotion.