Semua cerita dalam program literasi “Menjadi Indonesia” dikemas secara menarik dengan tujuan mengembangkan minat baca dan daya imajinasi anak, meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa anak, membentuk rasa empati, mengasah keterampilan emosional dan sosial anak, serta menambah wawasan dan pengetahuan anak. Seri buku cerita anak yang mengangkat tema tentang adat istiadat, permainan, kerajinan tang…
The Terrible Tudors gives you the dreadful details of Tudor life for everyone from cruel kings and queens like horrible Henry VIII to poor peasants and common criminals. The Slimy Stuarts is full of foul but fascinating facts about lousy life for the plague-ridden Stuarts. Find out about suffering school children, revolting Roundheads and crafty Cavaliers.
Hippo publisher
Malaysia: Your Ultimate Guide to Travel, Culture, History, Food and More! Experience Everything Travel Guide Collection(TM) Thank you for reading this book from the Experience Everything Travel Guide Collection(TM)! Inside you will find a ton of useful and entertaining information on Malaysia and it is our desire that this book will provide you with the inspiration to explore! CONTENTS: Introdu…