Ditch that dinner-table rule, “don’t play with your food,” and gobble up this book of fun facts about carrots, candy, popcorn, and more! Did you know that an average ear of corn has an even number of rows, which is usually 16? How about that cotton candy used to be called Fairy Floss? Or that there are about 7,500 varieties of apples grown throughout the world? If you tried a new var…
It is lunchtime but Little Donkey does not want to eat, so Mama shares his food with the ducks in the park.
When first published in 1994, this book was a Reading Rainbow selection. Now it's been revised to incorporate the United States Department of Agriculture's newly redesigned food pyramid, along with the latest research on nutrition. School Library Journal called the first edition "witty and visually appealing."
Ada banyak jenis puding. Salah satunya puding buah puding ini bisa menjadi salah satu makan pembuka maupun sebagi makan penutup. Rasanya manis dan segar di lidah. Puding saja sudah segar, apalagi kalau diberi buah. Selain segar, buha merupkan salh satu sumber nutrisi yang sangat baik untuk kesehatan. buah meiliki banyak manfaat yang bisa membantu kita tercegah dari berbagai macam penyakit. sela…
alty popcorn. Sweet watermelon. Your tongue lets you taste these things and more. But how does your sense of taste work? And how does it help you? Read this book to find out! Learn all about your five senses in the Your Amazing Senses series - part of the Lightning Bolt Books(tm) collection. With high-energy designs, exciting photos, and fun text, Lightning Bolt Books(tm) bring nonfiction topic…
How do you cook popcorn in sand? Who discovered popcorn? Why does popcorn pop? Who eats popcorn soup? What's the best way to make popcorn? This a book for everyone who likes popcorn!! Fascinating facts about popcorn, plus legends, stories, and two recipes. An adroit blend of facts and fun."-Publishers Weekly."
The Stage 1 Biff, Chip and Kipper Stories, written by Roderick Hunt and illustrated by Alex Brychta, provide both wordless stories and a rich story context to help develop language comprehension and decoding skills with simple first words and sentences. Wordless Stories A and Wordless Stories B introduce the characters and children learn that the pictures tell a story, where a story begins and …