Buku ini menceritakan kehidupan Enzo Kalaweit (11 Tahun) yang sungguh unik. Bersama Ayah (berasal dari Perancis), Ibu (Suku Dayak Mendawai), dan Andrew (Kakaknya); ia tinggal di hutan Pararawen, wilayah Kabupaten Barito Utara, Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Hutan yang amat luas inilah tempat Enzo bermain. Seru ya!
Discover how to make a difference to the planet by reusing things, reducing rubbish, recycling materials and respecting our world. Find out how you can play an active part, from spotting recyclable materials to sorting out recycling.
What if everybody threw away old bottles and newspapers, littering the world with glass and plastic and tin cans that should be recycled and made into new products? Mr. Jones is a teacher who sets a good example for kids by separating his trash for recycling. When he takes them on a class trip to a recycling plant they learn the value of recycling. Part of every childĂ¯Â¿Â½s development involve…
What is an insect? Crickets, mosquitos, ladybugs, and many other creatures are all insects!
Stargazing is a lovely cross-generational activity who wouldnt be fascinated by the sheer size of the universe? Stars offers a straightforward guide to what we know and how we know it, plus a range of activities, ranging from star charts (showing the stars youll see in different seasons and in different places) to Star Bingo (match the stars you see to those on the card) and a design-your-own-a…
With stunning photography, this series offers a visually exciting way of learning all about animal life cycles. Each book in the series features six in-depth profiles of unusual species with which many young children may not be familiar
This series introduces very young children, in an amusing and friendly way, to situations they might find themselves in for the first time. This text deals with the first trip to the dentist.
The Young Learners picture dictionary has been specially created to help new readers that develop vocabulary reading and spelling skills. Words are organized topically around familiar themes and simple definitions are given for words that children find particularly difficult. With spelling and illustration for more than 700 words and illustrated index encourages use of the alphabet
Tentu kalian tahu dari mana madu berasal namun tahukah kalian bahwa sayap lebah mengepakkan sayapnya lebih dari 200 kali setiap detik ratu lebah bertelur sebanyak 2000 butir sehari dan madu digunakan sebagai uang di zaman Mesir kuno? temukan hal-hal menarik tentang lebah.
For a moment, things seemed to be under control for Breq, the soldier who used to be a warship. Then a search of Athoek Station's slums turns up someone who shouldn't exist, and a messenger from the mysterious Presger empire arrives, as does Breq's enemy, the divided and quite possibly insane Anaander Mianaai--ruler of an empire at war with itself
Offers information about all eighty-eight constellations of the northern and southern skies and provides simple star charts for easy identification.
Thomas and his father live a normal, happy life in Belthorp. But that is all about to end. His father breaks the unbelievable news that they come from the planet of Ormingat and they must return. The past has caught up with them. Will they survive?
When the small community of Holliswood is thrown into chaos by the arrival of a terrifying outlaw who deliberately instigates problems for the purpose of filming his crimes for television, modern superhero Daniel X assembles an all-star team to help protect fellow citizens.
The story of a war-weary former military captain during the Civil War, who is inexplicably transported to Mars. He quickly (and reluctantly) becomes embroiled in a conflict of epic proportions amongst the inhabitants of the planet.
After his arrival on Earth from his home on Mars, Valentine Michael Smith becomes the founder and pastor of a new religious sect.
Han and Leia Solo arrive at arrive at Lando Calrissian's Outer Rim mining operation to help him thwart a hostile takeover but soon the stakes are raised and, to save Han -- and the galaxy -- Luke Skywalker and Leia must brave a gauntlet of treachery, terrorism, and the untold power of an enigmatic artifact capable of bending space, time, and even the Force itself into an apocalyptic nightmare.
When the Emperor and his notorious apprentice, Darth Vader, find themselves stranded in the middle of insurgent action on an inhospitable planet, they must rely on each other, the Force, and their own ruthlessness to prevail.
The sun brings heat, warmth, and energy to the Earth. What is the sun made of? How big is it? How far away? Read and find out!
This title is ideal for Key Stage 2 students. As well as covering the fundamentals of science, it looks in detail at planet Earth, the Universe and the animal kingdom.Highly illustrated throughout, the text is informative and exciting to read, making this book especially appealing to reluctant readers. Captions provide further information and complex images are annotated in detail. Throughout t…
In SOLAR SYSTEM, young readers will get a simple explanation of the Sun, the eight planets, and their moons with additional information about other parts of the solar system. Among other facts, they willl find out how far each planet is from the sun and what it looks like up close!