Kalian pernah melihat chameleon? Ya hewan sejenis bunglon ini hidup di Afrika dan Madagaskar. Chameleon dapat menagkap mangsa dengan cepat. Lebih cepat dari pesawat jet! Wow! Penasaran, kan? Yuk, baca buku ini. Sekalian belajar bahasa Inggris lewat kamus mii di dalamnya.
In 1807, Charles Lamb and his sister Mary wrote a collection of stories retelling twenty of Shakespeare's plays for children. Ranging from Romeo and Juliet to the delightful fancy of A Midsummer Night's Dream and the humour of As You Like it, this collection of vivid adaptations offers budding readers an accessible route to Shakespeare's works.
Foolish and bad-tempered, King Lear divides the kingdom between his two wicked daughters, disowns his honest youngest daughter and banishes his friends. As the kingdom falls apart and Lear's humiliation turns him mad, will he finally realise what he has done? With Notes on Shakespeare and the Globe Theatre and Chaos and Old Age in King Lear.
A charming retelling of this magical tale of power and justice. With Notes on Shakespeare and the Globe Theatre and Power in the Tempest.
Fun and funky knits