There is an incredibly diverse range of lizards, from leopard and crested geckos to bearded dragons and their relatives, not to mention colourful chameleons, that are now kept and regularly bred by enthusiasts. Some lizards can become very tame, while others delight with their lively natures and beauty in attractively landscaped enclosures. Discover those which appeal most to you, and how to lo…
A comprehensive natural history directory of birds, containing over 535 individual colour illustrations and photographs, plus maps detailing distribution
Presents practical advice on caring for a small pet, covering such topics as housing, feeding, handling, showing, and healthcare for a variety of mammals, caged and aviary birds, invertebrates, herptiles, and fish.
Every year, new creatures are being discovered on earth.These can include large animals. Some amazing discoveries have been made over the past 100 years, and more finds, perhaps even a living dinosaur, may still await discovery.
An area of rain forest the size of a football pitch is being cut down every second of every day. The wood from the trees id being sold and the land is used for farming or mining. This means that the homes of rain forest peolpe,aminals and plants are being destroyed for ever.Some species have almost certainly become extinct because of forest clearence, before we knew they existed...